Play Pickleball


This schedule is currently under development and does not go “live”
until the facility is OPEN for business in February.

Intro To Pickleball

We offer “Intro to Pickleball” sessions throughout the week so you can come out and give the sport a try! You just need to wear athletic clothing and court shoes and show up 15 minutes before the start time to get checked in.

We provide the paddles and the balls. You will learn about paddles, safety, proper footwear, how to hit the ball, how to serve, player positioning, basic rules, and then play some games to understand how to score. We also discuss Court Reserve and how to view our calendar of events.

Please register ahead of time by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling 904-598-4055

“Intro to Pickleball” sessions are color-coded GREEN in the calendar of events.

Skill Level Open Play

(Also known as OPEN Play, Drop In Play)

These play sessions are offered many times throughout the week and provide players the opportunity to meet and play with a variety of other players.  All Skill Level Open Play sessions have a range of skill levels associated with them to enable players to be in a group that fits their abilities.

Register for Skill Level Open Play sessions using Court Reserve.  Click here.

Please arrive 15 minutes before your start time to get checked in and to start play promptly. The number of players per session is limited to enable all players to rotate in and out of the courts and get a full two hours of play. Player rotation is typically 2 on/2 off and games are to 11 points, win by 2. Round Robin rotation format may also be used.

Some Skill Level Open Play sessions may be labeled as

  • DUPR Match Sessions. Sign up for a session that closely aligns with your abilities.  Players need to have a DUPR account as all game scores are recorded and entered by Club Staff into your DUPR account. These matches will provide an official rating for you!
    Click here to go to DUPR website  Join “Nassau Pickleball 365” Club in DUPR.
  • Verified Skill Level Play. These Drop In Play sessions are for players who have an official DUPR rating, a UPTR or UTR-P rating, have medaled at USA Pickleball, PPA, or APP tournaments, or have been professionally rated.  These Drop In Play sessions will indicate what level is approved for this session and will be restricted to those players with that level of skill.

Skill Level Open Play is color-coded BLUE in the calendar of events.

Court Reservations

All Members and Non-Members must have a Court Reserve account and payment profile set up. This will enable these players to make court reservations on-line. Use the calendar to find an available court for the day and time you want to play and then click “Reserve”. Members can reserve courts 30 days in advance; up to 2 courts a day. Non-Members can reserve 7 days ahead; one court per day.

Reservations are to start on the hour and can be made for Singles (1 hour, maximum of 3 players) or Doubles (2 hours, maximum of 6 players). The fee for court reservations are shared among the players on the reservation and based upon their membership type.

Members: A court rate of $25/hour or $6.25 per player per hour for doubles (4 players). 

                    For singles, $12.50 per player per hour.

Non-Members: A court rate of $35/hour or $8.75 per player per hour for doubles (4 players).

                             For singles, $17.50 per player per  hour.

For example, for a doubles reservation of 2 hours with 4 players – 2 Members and 2 Non-Members, each Member would pay $12.50 and each Non-Member would pay $17.50, plus tax.

A guest or visitor would pay the same rates as a Non-Member.


Leagues are offered throughout the year and provide an opportunity for recurring play for a 6 week duration. A variety of game and match formats will be used and players can expect 6 to 9 games per league session each week.  Substitute Players are always needed so if you cannot commit to the full league schedule of play, consider signing up to be a substitute.

League play primarily occurs on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday and may be organized by

  • Age Range or Skill Levels
  • Gender – Men or Women or Coed
  • Individual Sign up – rotate with different partners
  • Teams – Doubles Teams, 4 person Teams

Leagues are color-coded GOLD in the calendar of events.

Round Robins

Another great format for pickleball play!  Formats can include individual player or team sign ups. Each player or team will play games against each other player or team.  For example, a Round Robin with 8 players would take 7 rounds of games for each player to play against all the other players. 

Round Robins can be organized by Age Groups, Skill Levels, Teams or Individual sign ups.  Round Robin events are held many times throughout the year.

Drop In Play sessions can also use the Round Robin format as a change up from the 2 on/2 off player rotation.

Round Robins are color-coded PURPLE in the calendar of events.

Social Mixers

This is pickleball play to have fun, recreational play with a variety of players along with music and food. Courts may be designated by skill level. Typically scheduled for Friday or Saturday evenings.  A food truck may be onsite for these events. 

Social Mixers are color-coded ORANGE in the calendar of events.

Player Blocks

A Member can set up a recurring court rental for an invited list of players.  This can reduce the amount of text coordination within your friend group to set up pickleball play.  Contact the Front Desk for details.

This is what it looks like:

Betty has a group of friends that she regularly invites each week to play on two courts. The friend group has 14 people in it, but she only needs 8 to come each week. Instead of resorting to many, many text messages to coordinate who can come each week, Betty sets up a Player Block and includes a list of all the folks she wants in the group – all 14 people. She also indicates the duration of this private group rental – perhaps once a week for 6 weeks. The people in Betty’s group can be Members or Non-Members and everyone must be signed up in Court Reserve.

A Player Block session will appear in the Court Reserve calendar but only people in the group can sign up to play. It is up to each individual in the private group to register for that week’s play session. The first 8 to sign up are “in” since Betty specified that as the limit. Each person pays their portion of the court reservation fee according to their membership type.

Player Blocks are color-coded TAN in the calendar of events.

DUPR (Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating)

Nassau Pickleball 365 is a DUPR Club!

We encourage all players at our club to sign up for a free DUPR account here.  Players can then register for events labelled as “DUPR” events. All games scores will be recorded and entered into DUPR. This enables players to develop and maintain a skill rating.

Multiple play sessions throughout the month will be offered that are specified as “DUPR” events. If you don’t know your skill level, register for the DUPR play session that best fits your abilities. A good rule of thumb: if you lose most of the games in your event, you’re probably in the wrong event.

It takes many games to start developing a rating and now is a good time to get started.

Check out the DUPR website for more info: